Part of Relations

convertRelationships(kmat, ped, ids = NULL, updateProgress = NULL)



a numeric matrix of pairwise kinship coefficients. Rows and columns should be named with IDs.


the pedigree information in datatable format with required colnames id, sire, and dam.


character vector of IDs or NULL to which the analysis should be restricted. If provided, only relationships between these IDs will be converted to relationships.


function or NULL. If this function is defined, it will be called during each iteration to update a shiny::Progress object.


A dataframe with columns id1, id2, kinship, relation. It is a long-form table of pairwise kinships, with relationship categories included for each pair.


# \donttest{ library(nprcgenekeepr) ped <- nprcgenekeepr::smallPed kmat <- kinship(ped$id, ped$sire, ped$dam, ped$gen, sparse = FALSE) ids <- c("A", "B", "D", "E", "F", "G", "I", "J", "L", "M", "O", "P") relIds <- convertRelationships(kmat, ped, ids) rel <- convertRelationships(kmat, ped, updateProgress = function() {}) head(rel)
#> id1 id2 kinship relation #> 1 A A 0.500 Self #> 2 A B 0.000 No Relation #> 3 A C 0.250 Parent-Offspring #> 4 A D 0.250 Parent-Offspring #> 5 A E 0.000 No Relation #> 6 A F 0.125 Grandparent-Grandchild
ped <- nprcgenekeepr::qcPed bkmat <- kinship(ped$id, ped$sire, ped$dam, ped$gen, sparse = FALSE) relBIds <- convertRelationships(bkmat, ped, c("4LFS70", "DD1U77")) relBIds
#> id1 id2 kinship relation #> 1 4LFS70 4LFS70 0.50000 Self #> 2 4LFS70 DD1U77 0.03125 Other #> 4 DD1U77 DD1U77 0.50000 Self
# }