shiny 1.6
that removed an internal shiny
function (shiny:::%OR%
) and replaced it with rlang::%||%
to suggest due to new changes in knitr
to rlang::%||%
in server.R since the update to 1.6 of shiny broke the code. Thanks to Dan Metzger of Wisconsin National Primate Research Center.Shiny
in the description section of the DESCRIPTION file as it is the name of the type of application and is not being used as the name of the package. The use of the capitalization is consistent with the capitalization used within the documentation for the shiny
package (?shiny, See the Details section, first sentence where it is used as the type of tutorial.) and all documentation and tutorials provided by the author and RStudio where it is capitalized everywhere except when referring to the package.makeExamplePedigreeFile
with \dontrun{}
because R 4.0.0 alpha was leaving the side effect of the dataframe stored in a CSV file named as the text of the next line.spelling::spell_check_package(".")
comments that will go into the Rd-files. Since I have tests, I am wrapping the examples in .par()
in getPyramidPlot.R to reset par()
withopar <- par(no.readonly =TRUE)