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createSimKinships uses makeSimPed with the ped object and the allSimParents object to create a set of kinship matrices to be used in forming the Monte Carlo estimates for the kinship values.


createSimKinships(ped, allSimParents, pop = NULL, n = 10L, verbose = FALSE)



The pedigree information in data.frame format


list made up of lists where the internal list has the offspring ID, id, a vector of representative sires (sires), and a vector of representative dams (dams).


Character vector with animal IDs to consider as the population of interest. This allows you to provide a pedigree in ped that has more animals than you want to use in the simulation by defining pop with the subset of interest. The default is NULL.


integer value of the number of simulated pedigrees to generate.


logical vector of length one that indicates whether or not to print out when an animal is missing a sire or a dam.


A list of n lists with each internal list containing a kinship matrix from simulated pedigrees of possible parents for animals with unknown parents.


ped <- nprcgenekeepr::smallPed
simParent_1 <- list(id = "A",
                    sires = c("s1_1", "s1_2", "s1_3"),
                    dams = c("d1_1", "d1_2", "d1_3", "d1_4"))
simParent_2 <- list(id = "B",
                    sires = c("s2_1", "s2_2", "s2_3"),
                    dams = c("d2_1", "d2_2", "d2_3", "d2_4"))
simParent_3 <- list(id = "E",
                    sires = c("s3_1", "s3_2", "s3_3"),
                    dams = c("d3_1", "d3_2", "d3_3", "d3_4"))
allSimParents <- list(simParent_1, simParent_2, simParent_3)
pop <- LETTERS[1:7]
simKinships <- createSimKinships(ped, allSimParents, pop, n = 10)