It contains a working version of a nprcgenekeepr configuration file created the SNPRC. Users of LabKey's EHR can adapt it to their systems and put it in their home directory. Instructions are embedded as comments within the file.



An object of class character of length 34.


# \donttest{ library(nprcgenekeepr) data("exampleNprcgenekeeprConfig") head(exampleNprcgenekeeprConfig)
#> [1] "# The formatting in this example file is intentionally sloppy to illustrate" #> [2] "# the esssential features and to point out what has no effect." #> [3] "# Lines beginning with \"#\" are ignored." #> [4] "# Empty lines are ignored" #> [5] "#" #> [6] "# It is critical to have the term being defined immediately before an equals"
# }