This is a thin wrapper around labkey.selectRows().

getDemographics(colSelect = NULL)



(optional) a vector of comma separated strings specifying which columns of a dataset or view to import


A data.frame containing LabKey demographic data with the columns specified in the single parameter provided.


# \donttest{ library(nprcgenekeepr) siteInfo <- getSiteInfo()
#> Warning: The nprcgenekeepr configuration file is missing. #> It is required when the LabKey API is to be used. #> The file should be named: ~/.nprcgenekeepr_config.
colSet <- siteInfo$lkPedColumns source <- " generated by getDemographics: " pedSourceDf <- tryCatch(getDemographics(colSelect = colSet), warning = function(wCond) { cat(paste0("Warning", source, wCond), name = "nprcgenekeepr") return(NULL)}, error = function(eCond) { cat(paste0("Error", source, eCond), name = "nprcgenekeepr") return(NULL)} )
#> Warning generated by getDemographics: simpleWarning in getSiteInfo(): The nprcgenekeepr configuration file is missing. #> It is required when the LabKey API is to be used. #> The file should be named: ~/.nprcgenekeepr_config. #> #> nprcgenekeepr
# }