Get Logo file name



A character vector of length one having the name of the logo file used in the Input tab. A warning is returned if the configuration file is not found.


# \donttest{ result = tryCatch({ getLogo() }, warning = function(w) { print(paste0("Warning in getLogo: ", w, ". File is to be ", suppressWarnings(getLogo())$file)) }, error = function(e) { print(paste0("Error in in getLogo: ", e)) })
#> [1] "Warning in getLogo: simpleWarning in getSiteInfo(): The nprcgenekeepr configuration file is missing.\nIt is required when the LabKey API is to be used.\nThe file should be named: ~/.nprcgenekeepr_config.\n\n. File is to be ../nprcgenekeepr_2_color_logo.jpg"
# }