Pedigree curation function



@return A character vector of the possible columns that can be in a studbook. The possible columns are as follows:

  • id -- character vector with unique identifier for an individual

  • sire -- character vector with unique identifier for an individual's father (NA if unknown).

  • dam -- character vector with unique identifier for an individual's mother (NA if unknown).

  • sex -- factor levels: "M", "F", "U" Sex specifier for an individual

  • gen -- integer vector with the generation number of the individual

  • birth -- Date or NA (optional) with the individual's birth date

  • exit -- Date or NA (optional) with the individual's exit date (death, or departure if applicable)

  • ancestry -- character vector or NA (optional) that indicates the geographic population to which the individual belongs.

  • age -- numeric or NA (optional) indicating the individual's current age or age at exit.

  • population -- an optional logical argument indicating whether or not the id is part of the extant population.

  • origin -- character vector or NA (optional) that indicates the name of the facility that the individual was imported from. NA indicates the individual was not imported.

  • status -- an optional factor indicating the status of an individual with levels ALIVE, DEAD, and SHIPPED.

  • condition -- character vector or NA (optional) that indicates the restricted status of an animal. "Nonrestricted" animals are generally assumed to be naive.

  • spf -- character vector or NA (optional) indicating the specific pathogen-free status of an individual.

  • vasxOvx -- character vector indicating the vasectomy/ovariectomy status of an animal where NA indicates an intact animal and all other values indicate surgical alteration.

  • pedNum -- integer vector indicating generation numbers for each id, starting at 0 for individuals lacking IDs for both parents.


# \donttest{ library(nprcgenekeepr) getPossibleCols()
#> [1] "id" "sire" "dam" "sex" "gen" #> [6] "birth" "exit" "death" "age" "ancestry" #> [11] "population" "origin" "status" "condition" "departure" #> [16] "spf" "vasxOvx" "pedNum" "first" "second" #> [21] "first_name" "second_name" "recordStatus"
# }