Primary Data Structure --- Pedigree

Contains studbook information for a number of individuals. ASSUME: All IDs listed in the sire or dam columns must have a row entry in the id column

See also

getIncludeColumns to get set of columns that can be used in a pedigree file

A Pedigree is a data frame within the R environment with the following possible columns:

  • id -- character vector with unique identifier for an individual

  • sire -- character vector with unique identifier for an individual's father (NA if unknown).

  • dam -- character vector with unique identifier for an individual's mother (NA if unknown).

  • sex -- factor levels: "M", "F", "U" Sex specifier for an individual

  • gen -- integer vector with the generation number of the individual

  • birth -- Date or NA (optional) with the individual's birth date

  • exit -- Date or NA (optional) with the individual's exit date (death, or departure if applicable)

  • ancestry -- character vector or NA (optional) that indicates the geographic population to which the individual belongs.

  • age -- numeric or NA (optional) indicating the individual's current age or age at exit.

  • population -- logical (optional) Is the id part of the extant population?

  • origin -- character vector or NA (optional) that indicates the name of the facility that the individual was imported from if other than local.NA indicates the individual was not imported.

Pedigree File Testing Functions

Gene Dropping Function

  • geneDrop --- Performs a gene drop simulation based on the provided pedigree information

Genetic Value Analysis Functions

Contains functions to calculate the kinship coefficient and genome uniqueness for animals listed in a Pedigree table.

  • meanKinship --- Calculates the mean kinship for each animal in a kinship matrix

  • calcA --- Calculates a, the number of an individual's alleles that are rare in each simulation.

  • alleleFreq --- Calculates the count of each allele in the provided vector.

  • calcFE --- Calculates founder equivalents.

  • calcFG --- Calculates founder genome equivalents.

  • calcFEFG--- Returns founder equivalents FE and FG as elements in a list.

  • calcGU --- Calculates genome uniqueness for each ID that is part of the population.

  • geneDrop --- Performs a gene drop simulation based on the pedigree information.

  • chooseAlleles --- Combines two vectors of alleles by randomly selecting one allele or the other at each position.

  • calcRetention --- Calculates allelic retention.

  • filterKinMatrix --- Filters a kinship matrix to include only the egos listed in 'ids'

  • kinship --- Generates a kinship matrix

  • reportGV --- Generates a genetic value report for a provided pedigree.

Plotting Functions

  • meanKinship --- Calculates the mean kinship for each animal in a kinship matrix

Breeding Group Formation Functions

  • meanKinship --- Calculates the mean kinship for each animal in a kinship matrix