User provides a pedigree object (ped), the number of characters to be used for alias IDs (size), and the maximum number of days that the birthdate can be shifted (maxDelta).

  size = 6,
  maxDelta = 30,
  existingIds = character(0),
  map = FALSE



pedigree object


integer value indicating number of characters in alias IDs


integer value indicating maximum number of days that the birthdate can be shifted


character vector of existing aliases to avoid duplication.


logical if TRUE a list object is returned with the new pedigree and a named character vector with the names being the original IDs and the values being the new alias values. Defaults to FALSE.


An obfuscated pedigree


# \donttest{ library(nprcgenekeepr) ped <- qcStudbook(nprcgenekeepr::pedGood) obfuscatedPed <- obfuscatePed(ped) ped
#> id sire dam sex gen birth exit age recordStatus #> 1 d1 <NA> <NA> F 0 2003-04-13 <NA> 17.9 original #> 2 d2 <NA> <NA> F 0 2002-06-22 <NA> 18.7 original #> 3 s1 <NA> <NA> M 0 2000-07-18 <NA> 20.7 original #> 4 s2 <NA> <NA> M 0 2005-06-19 <NA> 15.8 original #> 5 o1 s1 d1 F 1 2015-02-04 <NA> 6.1 original #> 6 o2 s1 d2 F 1 2009-03-17 <NA> 12.0 original #> 7 o3 s2 d2 F 1 2012-04-11 <NA> 8.9 original #> 8 o4 s2 d2 M 1 2008-04-13 <NA> 12.9 original
#> id sire dam sex gen birth exit age recordStatus #> 1 LS7SJB <NA> <NA> F 0 2003-03-17 <NA> 18.0 original #> 2 P4MENX <NA> <NA> F 0 2002-05-29 <NA> 18.8 original #> 3 NZZUQQ <NA> <NA> M 0 2000-07-10 <NA> 20.7 original #> 4 KV6EPH <NA> <NA> M 0 2005-05-30 <NA> 15.8 original #> 5 QER817 NZZUQQ LS7SJB F 1 2015-01-22 <NA> 6.2 original #> 6 RWRDIS NZZUQQ P4MENX F 1 2009-02-26 <NA> 12.1 original #> 7 N7TLJ2 KV6EPH P4MENX F 1 2012-03-27 <NA> 9.0 original #> 8 ZFC1WF KV6EPH P4MENX M 1 2008-03-24 <NA> 13.0 original
# }