print.summary.nprcgenekeepr print.summary.nprcgenekeeprGV

# S3 method for summary.nprcgenekeeprErr
print(x, ...)

# S3 method for summary.nprcgenekeeprGV
print(x, ...)



object of class summary.nprcgenekeeprErr and class list


additional arguments for the summary.default statement


An object to send to the generic print function

object to send to generic print function


# \donttest{ library(nprcgenekeepr) errorLst <- qcStudbook(nprcgenekeepr::pedInvalidDates, reportChanges = TRUE, reportErrors = TRUE) summary(errorLst)
#> Error: There are 2 rows having an invalid date. The rows having an invalid date are: 3 and 4. #> #> Please check and correct the pedigree file. #>
# } # \donttest{ library(nprcgenekeepr) ped <- nprcgenekeepr::pedGood ped <- suppressWarnings(qcStudbook(ped, reportErrors = FALSE)) summary(reportGV(ped, guIter = 10))
#> The genetic value report #> Individuals in Pedigree: 8 #> Male Founders: 2 #> Female Founders: 2 #> Total Founders: 4 #> Founder Equivalents: 3.56 #> Founder Genome Equivalents: 2.68 #> Live Offspring: 8 #> High Value Individuals: 5 #> Low Value Individuals: 3
# }