This is the main function for the Genetic Value Analysis.
- ped
The pedigree information in data.frame format
- guIter
Integer indicating the number of iterations for the gene-drop analysis. Default is 5000 iterations
- guThresh
Integer indicating the threshold number of animals for defining a unique allele. Default considers an allele "unique" if it is found in only 1 animal.
- pop
Character vector with animal IDs to consider as the population of interest. The default is NULL.
- byID
Logical variable of length 1 that is passed through to eventually be used by
, which calculates the count of each allele in the provided vector. IfbyID
is TRUE and ids are provided, the function will only count the unique alleles for an individual (homozygous alleles will be counted as 1).- updateProgress
Function or NULL. If this function is defined, it will be called during each iteration to update a
examplePedigree <- nprcgenekeepr::examplePedigree
breederPed <- qcStudbook(examplePedigree, minParentAge = 2,
reportChanges = FALSE,
reportErrors = FALSE)
focalAnimals <- breederPed$id[!($sire) &$dam)) &$exit)]
ped <- setPopulation(ped = breederPed, ids = focalAnimals)
trimmedPed <- trimPedigree(focalAnimals, breederPed)
probands <- ped$id[ped$population]
ped <- trimPedigree(probands, ped, removeUninformative = FALSE,
addBackParents = FALSE)
geneticValue <- reportGV(ped, guIter = 50, # should be >= 1000
guThresh = 3,
byID = TRUE,
updateProgress = NULL)
trimmedGeneticValue <- reportGV(trimmedPed, guIter = 50, # should be >= 1000
guThresh = 3,
byID = TRUE,
updateProgress = NULL)
rpt <- trimmedGeneticValue[["report"]]
kmat <- trimmedGeneticValue[["kinship"]]
f <- trimmedGeneticValue[["total"]]
mf <- trimmedGeneticValue[["maleFounders"]]
ff <- trimmedGeneticValue[["femaleFounders"]]
nmf <- trimmedGeneticValue[["nMaleFounders"]]
nff <- trimmedGeneticValue[["nFemaleFounders"]]
fe <- trimmedGeneticValue[["fe"]]
fg <- trimmedGeneticValue[["fg"]]